Save the Dates: Dorothy is offering an online retreat, The Intimacy of True Seeing, on Zoom Sept. 30-October 3, 2021.
More information can be found:     HERE

You are warmly invited to attend this Tuesday’s satsang with Dorothy Hunt from

7-9 p.m. PT (See link below). 


To join Tuesday’s satsang, click here :

Meeting ID: 847 5735 9340
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Meeting ID: 847 5735 9340
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While this satsang is offered free of charge, should you wish to make a donation to Moon Mountain Sangha, we are happy to receive donations of any size at  or if you prefer to send a check, please send it to:


Moon Mountain Sangha

1719 Union Street

San Francisco, CA 94123


Since this satsang will be available to a larger group than generally come to the Unitarian Church in San Francisco on Tuesday evenings, we welcome new friends.

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